Farewell too soon

This last month, fond readers had to say goodbye to one of the finest sites the web has seen, The New Pantagruel. The parting lines of editors Dan Knauss and Caleb Stegall have been ringing in my ears ever since I read them:

Ours can largely be summed up as a localist, decentralist, anarcho-Christian and authentically conservative approach to politics and culture. As we have written previously, we believe that to suffer one’s place and one’s people in the particularity of its and their needs is the only true basis for finding love, friendship, and an authentic, meaningful life. This is nothing less than the key to the pursuit of Christian holiness, which is the whole of the Christian adventure: to live in love with the frailty and limits of one’s existence, suffering the places, customs, rites, joys, and sorrows of the people who are in close relation to you by family, friendship, and community–all in service of the truth, goodness, and beauty that is best experienced directly. The discipline of place teaches that it is more than enough to care skillfully and lovingly for one’s own little circle, and this is the model for the good life, not the limitless jurisdiction of the ego, granted by a doctrine of choice, that is ever seeking its own fulfillment, pleasure, and satiation.

What the Pantagruelists really got–and so many others miss–is vocation. Too often we use the word in only its most narrow sense, usually referring to our specific professions, our “day jobs.” But that hardly captures the depth of the idea that God has called each of us to our varied and particular times and places. Our surroundings, with all their mundane tribulations and seemingly meaningless tasks, are no accident.

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It’s been a very long time. Welcome to the new site.

As most anyone reading this knows, my wife and I have been running Love & Blunder over at Blogger for quite a while. If you know that much, you also know that it had been a while since I’d posted much of anything on the ol’ blog; something I regret.

Hence, the website you’re looking at now. This is the new Love & Blunder. I’ve had a longing to get back into blogging–though my motives may be a bit different than they were just over two years ago when I began–and starting a new site was just what I needed to get me excited about the prospect of writing again.

We’ll probably keep the Blogger site around for a while. Neither of us want to abandon it, and Devona thinks she’ll still post over there every now and then. But look forward to seeing lots more of us over here.

Let me know what you think of the new design, too. I think I’m happy with it, but I’m still deciding. Comments are much appreciated.

Talk to you all soon.

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