Every time that I start to feel bad about my parenting I read Dr. Sears and then I feel confident again.
Elise is my barnacle. She literally cannot be away from me without anxiety. Unless she is engrossed in play with another family member, if she is not near me she is NOT happy. But if I hold her, or stay in her line of sight all day she will not cry at all. She’s amazingly simple to put to sleep, rocking for 5 or 6 minutes usually does the trick. She really is a dream baby.
She just really loves to be held. So, I’ve been wearing her in a sling or wrap, almost all day, everyday. And she is sooooooo happy.
This isn’t really normal in America (no kidding) so I start to feel a little weird after a while, and begin to think that perhaps I am spoiling Elise. Perhaps she should be ok with anyone. Perhaps she should be falling asleep on her own. And then, even though everyone is happy, I second guess my parenting choices.
Since I know that Dr. Sears always makes me feel better I checked out his Attachment Parenting Book from the library. Then for good measure I checked out Mothering magazine. I read them both and then took a nice deep breath. Nothing like reading other crazy, crunchy, all-or-nothing parents to make me feel normal again. I’m at least normal to the road-less-traveled people.
I’m just going to keep right on wearing my baby and reading Dr. Sears. And we’ll just keep on being happy. And my kids will be just fine.
Lexi is a “hip/back/lap” baby and she’s totally turned a corner now that she is walking. Hang in there! You are doing the right thing for your girls!
Thanks Kristen. Eventually she will be independent. She is only 4 months old. ;)
People talk about babies crying all the time. Maybe it isn’t the norm for babies to cry all the time. Maybe if they were worn by more moms then maybe we’d expect crying to be an oddity. I’ve read that hunter-gatherer babies hardly ever cry and they are worn and breastfed for years.
It’s true, Sarah. I could go on and on, but (you guessed it) I have a baby in my lap and I’m typing one handed!
Oh, and Sarah, I just noticed that you are going by “Irani.” ARe you using your husbands name for everything except your professional things? Since your studio etc. is all under Hempel.
Just curious.