but the best mom for my kids? I hope that’s true.
I have a lot of childcare experience. I read too much about child rearing. I love staying home. But I am way too critical of myself.
Olivia is a handful, in a good way most of the time. But when she’s in her moods I don’t always know what to do. So I just do what I hope is the best in the moment, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
This is why they say the first child is an experiment… I hope I don’t accidentally blow her up.
Child 1 drops her nuk: You throw it away.
Child 2 drops his nuk: You sterilize it in boiling water, and give it back.
Child 3 drops her nuk: You wash it off in the nearest drinking fountain, and give it back.
Child 4 drops her nuk: you pick it up and give it back.
Child 5 drops his nuk: you yell over your shoulder, “Pick it up, Butterfingers!”
Don’t worry Devonna. Our Lord will watch over them all, and you too.