You should! Here’s my Etsy shop, which I am finally listing items on.
Yesterday I found a button I could post on our blog to advertise my shop, but now I can’t find it again. That’s a little frustrating.
So if you are getting lost linking around their site (like I always do) and you come across that button maker thing, let me know ok?
Oh. And if you want a baby carrier, buy one from me!
I will buy one from you *if* I get a little one…we have a line on a 10-year-old boy, but I don’t think he will be a good candidate for babywearing!!!
Honestly, I do have some slings that people gave me when I started fostering…but I’ve gotten older kiddos so far….so we will see if I get to use them. I never knew about babywearing when my kids were little (my youngest is 6.5 years old) and would love to give it a try (although honestly, I am enjoying having older kiddos in the home…which is odd as I didn’t think that was my preference).
Anyways, congrats and I bookmarked your new shop!
Hey! (Found you at MBG forum) I really like that Mei Tai. My son is 21 mos, and I haven’t had a carrier for awhile, since he’s outgrown all that I had, but I still want one. Would it work for somebody his age? He’s about 30lbs? Am I just too late?
Well, would say you’ve got at least 8 pounds left for carrying him. Probably even ten. If you carry him a lot as it is I’d go for it!