Elise’s other first

She’s walking. That’s an obvious first. But Elise has made another milestone this week.

She slept the whole night in her own bed!!!!! I slept really well, even though I had to go to her room twice and nurse her for 5 minutes or so. That was still better than what had become her night-time ritual of trying to find Rob in the middle of the night. “Da-Doh? Da-Doh?” she’d whisper while crawling all over the bed.

For the past 11 months Elise has started her night out in her own bed, either the bassinet when she was smaller or her crib, and then around 2 or 4 she’d wake up and I’d bring her to our bed. Everyone slept really well. It was a glorious system.  But then she got really close to learning to walk and having us around was too much incentive to practice moving, even if it was pitch black.

This is the same stage that got Olivia moved into her own room. She would stand up in her crib and sing to us for hours at night, just because we were there.

There are some families who can co-sleep with their kids for years. I don’t know how they do it.  Eventually, no one in our house is sleeping anymore. And if there’s no sleep, it’s not co-sleeping, it’s torture.

2 Responses

  1. Queen of Carrots 24 August, 2007 / 7:01 am

    That’s how things went for us with D2, too. (D1 slept through the night much sooner. Curiously, now she wakes up almost every night for one thing or another, while D2 sleeps like a log.) I could not sleep with a toddler. Literally. Sooner or later they get the idea that Mama and Papa are for midnight climbing practice, and then out they go. :-)

  2. Jeannette 24 August, 2007 / 11:20 am

    Haha! That’s how we cosleep, too. I knew something had to change when “Get the baby off my head!!” was becoming a nightly chant. No cosleeping means joining him in his twin for part of the night. :S “No sleep ’til brooklyn!”

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