I started to make the coffee this morning while Rob is still getting himself out of bed after a trans-pacific flight home from Australia. This is an annual trip for us and we’re finally getting used to it. Anyway, I am trying to decide whether to make our normal aero-press coffee or the “flat white” coffee that Rob showed me after he got home yesterday.
The whole thing reminds me of the scene in Lost in Translation when Bill Murray is drunk in the tub and he calls his wife, “We should eat more like the people in Japan. I don’t want all that pasta.” Rob always comes home from the other side of the world with all these different ways to do things.
This is the first trip I’m aware of that Rob actually got to enjoy being in a big city. He wandered around Sydney and ate food and went to the beach (even though it was winter). This is also the first time we managed to have a ton of fun while he was out of town. We went to Ocean Isle with his parents and enjoyed being beach bums for a few days. I would love to share pictures from the trip, but my inlaws have them all.
Hopefully the fun we’re having now is investing in a future where I don’t have to overnight carpet samples passive-agressively to him while he drinks vodka in hotel bars and spends a pseudo-romantic weekend with someone half his age.
Somehow that’s still one of my favorite movies….