VBS question

If you sent your school aged child to our VBS, and they came home with a giant scroll made out of fabric and had pictures depicting the theme that Christ is prophesied throughout the Old Testement, would you think that was cool? OR would you rather have a bunch of little cheapie crafts like key chains and picture frames?

I’m asking seriously. I have to make a decision in a couple of weeks about craft for this year, and I want to make sure I have input.

So lurkers, frequent posters, friends and passers-by, please lemme know if you think that craft is cool or not. Thanks.

18 Responses

  1. Queen of Carrots 25 April, 2007 / 7:05 am

    I think that craft is way, way cool. I would definitely rather my kids came home with that.

  2. Mike Benoit 25 April, 2007 / 9:51 am

    That would definitely find a place on the wall. Good find.

  3. ellie 25 April, 2007 / 5:29 pm

    go scroll! All the way

  4. Devona 25 April, 2007 / 7:06 pm

    Hmmm. OK. Keep the comments coming

  5. Lisa 26 April, 2007 / 8:00 am

    Lisa dropping in to comment…
    Who cares what we (adults) think? Ask a kid what they want…not what they want to take home, but what they want to do. It’s all about the doing, I would think.
    The scroll is amazing, but it involves the same sort of “doing” throughout. And yet with the proper instruction, they may enjoy telling about the scroll later.

  6. mutti 26 April, 2007 / 10:06 am

    My boys are 15 anc 14 and my daughter is 9. When she was very young the boys made these awesome wall hangings that they still have in their rooms. They have three sections: Baptism (shell with three little pearl beads glued on red felt). Then 10 commandments: a mirror with the 10 commandments stamped (third use=guide) on it (second use of law=mirror) and with a very thin wood (balsa? wood) framing it( first use of law=Curb). and last a picture of Christ on Cross. I should take a picture of it and post it…

  7. Devona 26 April, 2007 / 2:13 pm

    mutti, that sounds really awesome!

    And asking a kid is a good idea. Good thought, Lisa.

  8. kerner 27 April, 2007 / 3:09 pm

    I want the cheapie key chains and picture frames. They have utilitarian value. Besides, they were good enough for me when I was a kid, wnd we shouldn’t change time honored traditions. Stick with the tried and true, Missy.

    I’m KIDDING…Just KIDDING! Of COURSE the scroll sounds better…

  9. Elle 27 April, 2007 / 8:23 pm

    The scroll is way better. They won’t go through their junk drawers in a year or two and wonder where they got it and why someone gave them something so cheap. The scroll, they’ll be proud to be able to explain.

    A neighbor hosted a vbs type thing when I was probably about 6 or 7 and we made felt wall hangings with John 3:16 written on it in silver glitter. After seven moves, dragging my junk clear across the country three different times, I still have it. I didn’t hold on to any of the cheap plastic stuff.

    Mutti, I love the wall hanging idea! Very cool!

  10. Devona 28 April, 2007 / 8:55 am

    I have gone over and over the craft directions. I am really beginning to love the scroll! The Lamb of god is on Matza Bread! That is the coolest thing in the whole world!!!!!!

    Every Lutheran Church should do pax domini’s VBSs. They have a game in the recreation section that has a child playing the “Angel of Death.” It’s called Passover Tag.

  11. Wow 30 April, 2007 / 7:29 pm

    Angel of Death tag! Doesn’t “pax” mean “peace”? Is the object of the game to pass over the Kids who have blood splattered on them already?



  12. Devona 30 April, 2007 / 7:35 pm

    Is the object of the game to pass over the Kids who have blood splattered on them already?

    Yes. Only it’s a collection of red lamb necklaces that the kids find in order to be safe from the Angel of Death.

  13. Andy 2 May, 2007 / 1:41 am

    I think the consensus on this end is that “Angel of Death Tag” is pretty creepy.

  14. Devona 2 May, 2007 / 8:57 am

    That’s why you’re not a Lutheran. :-P

  15. Andy 2 May, 2007 / 1:23 pm

    So you have to be Lutheran to take God’s judgment and turn it into a game of tag? ;-)

  16. Rob 2 May, 2007 / 10:38 pm

    Lutherans thrive when the stakes are high.

  17. Mary 4 May, 2007 / 2:00 pm

    I just took a look at the scroll. Dan, (the cute craft hater), would be really proud of that. Emily would want a different color scheme.

    Overall, I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. I think my kids would approve, too.

    Keep up the good work, Devona!


  18. Rev. Peter Burfeind 18 May, 2007 / 12:41 am

    As the craft designer for Pax Domini, I appreciate these comments. (I do a google on our stuff periodically to see what pops up). You should check out our “latest model” for “The Remissin of Sins.”

    BTW, to the critic of my recreation idea… Did you ever think that the “Pax Domini” (peace of the Lord) is spoken while the “blood of the Lamb” is presented to the people, during the singing of the Agnus Dei? In the Reagan days, it was peace through strength. In the Church, it’s peace through blood.

    Thanks for all your encouraging comments!

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