Bigger and Better

While I ran errands today I drove through Highland Square, the little town center I’ve called home for the last 10 years. In that time, I have seen it change a little here, a bit more there. For example, the closing of Two Amigos. Or, the knocking down of the Star Market to build the shopping center with Chipotle and the new Highland Square branch of the Akron Library. The development that has happened has been controversial, but over all, I would have to say the Square is improving.

I moved to the West Hill/ Highland Square area with my pseudo-sister Sharon after we graduated from High School. We rented an apartment which we named “Spiritual Rehab,” and lived there for a year. After our lease was up, she got married and moved in with her husband to a two bedroom apartment in the Crescent Apartments right in the heart of the Square. When we’d visit together we’d sit on the grassy spot between the Crescent and her twin building the Von and drink coffee from Angel Falls. I always wished I had gotten an apartment in one of those buildings.

Instead, when I married Rob we moved into the second and third floor of a century home in West Hill. Sharon and my sister Brittany planned my bachelorette party. We met in Highland Square (can anyone remember where?! I am drawing a blank) first, and Sharon introduced our event for the evening. We divided into two groups and each group was given a penny. We were given a two hour time limit and told that we had to ask strangers to trade us the penny for something “bigger and better.” Then to trade the next thing for something else bigger and better. Hence, the name of the game: Bigger and Better.

One group took off in their cars. My group crossed the street and went into the Crescent apartments and started knocking on doors. In one apartment we traded the penny for a quarter. In the next a man in his underwear holding a cat traded us the quarter for a frisbee. We knocked on a few more doors only to get rejected, so we crossed the driveway over to the Von.

We were much more successful there. At the first door we tried we were invited into a home which was decorated with neon green walls and a spiral of microwaved CDs on the wall. Not only were the renters super nice, but they traded us the frisbee for a plastic 80s elementary school chair. We thanked them and tried another apartment on the third floor. Those renters traded us the school chair for an oak desk.

We carried the desk down three flights of stairs, just about out of time, and shoved it into the back seat of Brittany’s car. We ran out of room in the back seat for people, so my friend Eliza rode in the trunk. When we got to the restaurant we where we had agreed to meet up, the other group had traded their penny for another friend of mine who came along to the party. I decided that was cheating, so we won. Besides it was my bachelorette party, so I got to win no matter what. In the end we ended up giving the desk to the friend who the penny was traded for and it was a successful night for everyone.

So that’s my story of the Crescent and the Von. Today I watched a backhoe knock them down to rubble. I couldn’t help but wonder if what was going there in their place will be bigger and better. Or maybe it’s just more parking. Does anyone out there in Akronville know the story? What’s going to live in the footprint of the great twins of Highland Square?

Am I a Control Freak?

I think the answer might be yes. I never thought it could be true before, but I think it must be so.  It all started when one of the Girl Scout moms in our area joked that I was crazy for taking on a second troop and I admitted it was because I wanted to be sure that Elise’s troop would get to do all the same stuff that Olivia’s troop is doing. That was my first hint.

Then this morning as I was wallowing in the depths of my lack-of-control, also known as parenting Elise when she is in a bad mood, first I cried and got some emotional encouragement from some school friends. Then I went to Panera, bought myself a bagel I didn’t need and spent the morning checking things off my “to-do at the computer” list. I felt like a million bucks. I even managed to fit in a trip to Staples to replace our printer toner so I could do more to-dos tomorrow. Then I wrote this Facebook Status: “Note to self: when having a bad day, spend an hour controlling the things you can control. Then you will feel better about the stuff you can’t control.”

One of the comments to that post was, “Thanks for the reminder! love, a fellow control-freak.” And it hit me like a ton of bricks. I am a control freak. I know how it needs to be done, an I’m just going to get out there and do it so move over already.

Sorry, Rob. I’m a pain in the rear to do home improvement projects with, and now I know it’s me, not you. Sorry, kids. You guys are sweet and lovely, and I’m sorry I don’t let you help me with things as much as I should because I just want it to be done right, not done slowly with mistakes and learning. Sorry, all the people. I am really trying to learn how to keep my mouth shut and know that someone else’s way is different, but it’s probably just as good as mine.

Is there such a thing as a humble control freak???

Website Design

Yeah, website design is one of the things that I love to hate to do. I love content. I love logical flow of the content. I love designing logos and creating a theme for the site. I even love WordPress. See the logo up there? I search and searched for the right font, something that looked handwritten but not hoaky. But most importantly the U had to work as an N and a D when you rotated it. The tumbling letter kinda looks like a typographical blunder…. get it?

I DO NOT love databases and sql and xml and html. I hate them. I really really hate them. So I always enjoy the building of the website, the creative flow of the process and then I have to make the stupid site live and it always sucks and I cry and then I yell at Rob because he made the mistake of trying to help me.

But, in a few days all of the fuss will have been worth it because I will have a cool new website for a cool new project to share with you all! I hate waiting to share it, but not as much as I hate phpMyAdmin dashboards.