Well, there are only 2 days left. TWO DAYS LEFT!!!! On Saturday morning, before the sun rises I will be up and ready to run twenty-six point two miles. It will take me at least 4 hours and 30 minutes. I have done all I can do to prepare. I had to start resting up this week, no more running after Tuesday. And then the waiting begun. This is probably one of the longest weeks of my life.
I take it back, though, that there is nothing I can do left to prepare. I can eat things. Lots of things. Carbohydrates. Today was supposed to be the big stuff-your-face day. I ate french toast, 4 bagels, pretzels, pasta salad and ice cream. I don’t think I could eat anything else if you paid me. Now I just have to drink an ocean of water to be super hydrated and then I’ll have done everything I can to prepare.
Just for fun, here is a link to the photo from my last road race. That was just a 7.6 mile leg of the 5 person Marathon Relay last September. It was the official beginning of my obsession with completing my own marathon. An hour before that picture was shot I had decided to run the full Marathon this year. And here I am. It feels almost as significant as giving birth.