Rob’s Grandmother passed away a few weeks ago, and thus began Olivia’s questions about death. “Why did Daddy’s Grandmother have to die, Mama?” (she always calls me Mama when she’s feeling small). Not what I was expecting to hear from my not yet 3 year old.
“Because she was very old and sick, and Jesus said it was time for her to die and go home to be with Him.”
“I don’t want to go be with Jesus.”
“It will be a long time before you have to go be with Jesus.”
I can’t remember exactly what she asked next (this was weeks ago, really) but it was something about if we would see Grandmother with Jesus. I think she still confuses Pastor with Jesus, so perhaps she was asking if Grandmother would be at church. I’m not sure. But anyways, I answered her, “We all love Jesus, and all the people who love Jesus will be together with Him after they die.”
That seemed to satisfy her. Though the topic has come up regularly since then.
At bedtime tonight Olivia told me that her ponies went to be with Jesus because they died. Then she said, “But we will see them when we die.”
“Yes, we will all go be with Jesus.”
“Will we be people?”
“Yes, Jesus will give us all new bodies that won’t ever get sick, or hurt, or sad.”
“Mine will be pink,” she said matter-of-factly.