Before you worry about our theology, note that this is Olivia’s imaginary game. It reminds me of the story that Jaqcue is always telling about Andy when he was a kid. How he’d pretend to be a pastor, or talk to God out loud in the bath tub.
Well, Olivia is at the stage where she loves to pretend to be everyone but herself. She is always playing that she is Papa, Tintin, Woody, a hunter or anything else from one of her stories. And she also plays “Pastor.” This game involves Olivia running around the house announcing, “I’m a Pastor. I baptize my pony.” It’s follows the same basic plot line as the hunter game, “I’m a hunter. I shoot the fearsome animal.” Both games require that she run around and yell this over and over again triumphantly like a superhero.
Olivia is also beginning to tell us this story:
“When I was born with Pastor Kozak he put some water on my head and I cried.”
or this story:
“Elise was born at church and Pastor Kozak poured water on her head.”
This was obviously very important to her. It’s fun to hear her perspective. She’s remarkable theologically accurate for a two and a half year old.