Wednesday Walk

As fall approacheth I feel a pressing need to make grander efforts towards exercising with the family. I am running 7.1 miles this Saturday in the Akron Marathon with some friends and acquaintances on a five person relay. Training for that has kept me motivated through the heat of summer but I know that shorter days and colder weather will be biting my motivational bud soon enough.

Thus I instated the Wednesday Walk in which we load the stroller and family (only excluding Rob who is at work) and haul off, dog and all, to the same park where I have been training for the race. The goal of this endeavor is to watch the leaves change, teach my dog some manners with other dogs, namely “they-are-not-your-best-friend-so-stop-dragging-me-by-the-arm,” and to get in a habit of exercise which we can add to if we want, but it will get us out of the house at least once a week.

Our Wednesday Walks are 2 hilly miles with a waterfall at the turnaround point and picnic tables at the end. Today we packed a lunch and made use of the picnic tables, or ships according to Olivia. Then we traveled through Neverland in the trees while flying with Nana, I mean Sherman.

The trees are still mostly green to Olivia’s great disappointment. She is looking forward to snow.

5 Responses

  1. Michael Benoit 26 September, 2007 / 3:13 pm

    Sounds great. You may have inspired me to find a place to try a similar outing (minus the dog, of whom the niece is deathly afraid.)

  2. Devona 26 September, 2007 / 3:25 pm

    I added the above picture, so you can see how UN-afraid Elise is of Sherman. I used to be very afraid of dogs, which is one of the reasons I wanted to get one.

    It’s also just a cute picture.

  3. TulipGirl 29 September, 2007 / 9:15 pm

    What a wonderful rhythm to your week, little tradition for you and your family.

  4. Devona 30 September, 2007 / 1:48 am

    Hi, My name is Devona too – and I found several of your “blog sites” (if that’s what you call them) tonight by putting “Devona” into the search engine. My boss got me thinking about doing that yesterday, when after 16 years of working for hiim, he asked me how I got my name. Anyway, fun to see your little family & read a little about your life. I’m 59, and have found very few people named “Devona” – maybe 3 or 4 my whole life so far. I live in So. California, have 4 grandchildren ages 16, 13, 2 & 6 mo. Seeing your little ones makes me want to go hug my babies!

  5. Devona 30 September, 2007 / 12:36 pm

    Wow, this is only the second person I’ve “met” named Devona. Thanks for the compliments and for visiting.

    Isn’t it wonderful to have such a unique name?

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