The Magician’s Nephew

We’re reading through my old Narnia books with the girls. Liv’s been through many of them once before. Elise hasn’t heard them yet, and it seems that she isn’t really ready yet. She got to the end of the book and still thought that Uncle Andrew was a good guy.

Olivia, on the other hand, was hanging on every detail. She bounded out of her bed with excitement when Strawberry became Fledge and grew wings. She hid under her covers when the Witch snuck by them in the mountain range. And she was finally able to sleep soundly when the book came to an end and all the loose ends were properly tied.

As always it was a joy to read these books as an adult. It seems that each time I go through them they strike a new chord with me. This time I felt for the little Digory as he worried for his mother. I was reminded of how real troubles are for our kids. They suffer their worries, and know that there is nothing they can do as they are just powerless little children.

I think Liv is bursting at the seams to start The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. She’ll remember a lot from the last time. But I can’t wait to see what details grab her this trip through.dsc_0212

A long, long overdue post

I just read the posts from last year out of curiosity. Those posts were so cute.


So I am busting out the old school blog. I hope to write here about the family. The crafting and little jot and tiddles will be on Clever Nesting and Facebook (why am I so networked!?) but the posts about the kids will go here. This is a good place for them. I’ve missed you, Love and Blunder.

5 years of life

I’ve spent the last five years (plus the two previous) getting to know Rob. We’ve spent most of that time increasing both our own patience levels and the population of Akron, Ohio.  We’ve learned to expect certain personality short-comings to repeat. We’ve learned to try not to mention those short-comings unless we’re looking to start a fight or hurt feelings.


I’ve learned that Rob is exactly half of my Dad, and exactly half of his Dad. I’d say he’s the best half of both. He’s admirably principled, a very hard worker, not afraid of being transparent and a wonderful father. I have learned to trust him with my hardest conflicts because he is the best person at helping me figure it out and helping me when I need it. He believes in me when I don’t believe in myself and he’s always on my side.

I am so lucky to have found someone to be my best friend, advocate, (paycheck), coach and coworker.

I love you Rob. I hope I get a chance to go get you a handsome gift today. I hope I can think of something that reflects how much I feel about you.

Now back to our regularly scheduled anti-sentimentalism.